New Escape Room Concept Drawings
While we work to get our feet under us in Columbus, I’ve begun finishing up some details on our next escape room build. The game plan is almost complete (except for some polishing), so I began sketching concept drawings of a major escape room prop build for Cbus. The following is only a sneak look at the prop - nothing more. No details. No description of how it works. (We must have our secrets.) Enjoy! - Louis
The Machine Illustration
This is an escape room prop concept of mine, computer-rendered, to work out details of its possible look. I like to do this so the visual in my head can be transferred to paper, then onto computer screen, then into reality.
The ink sketch prop concept, shown here, was quickly drawn by moi in my car while traveling. (I pulled over to take a break and then recorded the concept.)
I work through details in my head, then transfer it to paper. It’s what I call a “quick sketch” - nothing pretty here. It’s how I remember the details, I previously worked out, when I choose to revisit them at a later date. Great ideas never come all at once for me. They come as they come.
Learn and see more about this game being designed, then built:
Edison’s Lost Invention Escape Room